Robin Beardsley MD, CCFP is a Family Physician practicing psychotherapy in Ottawa, ON.
She graduated from the University of Toronto and is a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the Canadian College of Family Physicians and the Satir Institute of the Pacific. Robin is a trained teacher in Mindful Self-Compassion and Compassion Fatigue Solutions (now TENDAcademy). She has taught and practiced the Satir Transformational Systemic Model for over twenty years and has recently integrated Internal Family Systems (Richard Scwartz) and Mindful Self-Compassion (developed by Dr’s Kristen Neff and Chris Germer) into her practice and workshops. She draws upon her extensive knowledge of Satir Therapy, Internal Family Systems along with techniques aimed at cultivating mindfulness and self-compassion.
Robin brings her presence, fun and experience to her workshops.
Workshops can be tailored to fit the needs of your group, team or individuals and can be run as short introductory sessions, half day or full day programs.
Addressing Burnout with Self-Compassion
with Robin Beardsley MD.
FREE Virtual Event
Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021
7:00pm – 8:30pm EST
What happens in our bodies when we are trying to live in a pandemic? How do we keep going when we are exhausted, distracted, interrupted or fed-up? Sometimes during times of stress, we forget that many can feel as we do and we may even believe that we are suffering or in pain due to some frailty or inability to cope. Rarely do we give ourselves the chance to pause and look at what might be contributing to our stress.
You are invited to come listen, share and recharge with others as we explore these questions and learn how self-compassion can help us navigate these stressful times.
Come join Dr. Robin Beardsley in this interactional workshop online using Zoom.
Proudly presented by the uOttawa Brain and Mind Research Institute and the uOtttawa Academy of Mindfulness and Contemplative Studies.
Self-Compassion in the Midst of COVID-19
with Robin Beardsley MD.
COVID-19 has changed our way of being in this world overnight. How do we care for others while caring for ourselves? While this has always been difficult in a caregiver’s job, this has become even more difficult when the needs of others can be so overwhelming.
Often as caregivers, in order to cope;
- we work harder
- we may criticize ourselves or others
- we may deny or avoid our own discomfort
- we may focus on others and not ourselves
- we may distract ourselves
While these measures may help in the short time, they may not be sustainable as healthy coping strategies. When we are working hard, especially just to get through each shift, each day we can believe we are alone and may believe we are suffering or in pain due to some frailty or inability to cope.

This experiential workshop will focus on another way of coping with caregiver fatigue, one which includes acceptance, hope and compassion. We will explore being mindful of our own, and our shared, experience of being human. Participants will experience techniques to reconnect with their own essence and will be aimed at exploring additional ways to cope through this pandemic. We will explore mindfulness and self-compassion based on the teachings of Kristin Neff and Chris Germer.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the webinar participants will:
- Learn ways to balance caring for self while caring for others
- Be able to distinguish between two different systems; Threat Response and Mammalian Caregiving
- Be able to define the 3 components of Mindful Self Compassion and how these can promote resiliency
- Be aware of different tools to help regulate the nervous systems under stress
- Learn ways to transition between work/home and client/client
- Have a “felt” sense of community in a virtual way
If you or your team is interested in this training reach out to Robin. This interactive seminar is offered over ZOOM.
Care for the Caregiver – Inner Resiliency Training
Caring for yourself while caring for others
with Robin Beardsley MD.
Experiential Workshops Available:
- Full Day Workshop
- Half Day Workshop
- 60 – 90 minute Introduction Session
- Note: The difference being more time for sharing and exercises.

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.
– Chris Germer
Learn more ...
Care for the Caregiver
Have you ever wondered if there was a skill you could use to help you sustain real compassionate care for patients in the face of competing demands like paperwork and technology, time pressure, patient trauma and fatigue? Burgeoning research is showing that self-compassion skills can be of particular benefit to health care workers, allowing them to experience greater satisfaction in their caregiving roles, less stress, and improved emotional resiliency. The good news is that self-compassion skills are trainable and build your capacity to handle stressful challenges.
This workshop is intended to provide those in the helping profession knowledge about the “Cost of Caring” (Figley 1982) or Caregiver Fatigue. During this experiential workshop we will explore how CF impacts many aspects of ourselves. We will focus on another way of coping with CF, one which includes more hope and compassion. As opposed to other self-care techniques, Inner Resiliency practices can be used on the spot while at work with patients and colleagues.
Participants of the program will be able to:
- Describe the contributing factors of Caregiving Fatigue
- Explain the terms and differences between Caregiving Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma and Moral Distress
- Describe the empirically supported benefits of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
- Care for yourself while caring for others
- Handle difficult emotions with greater ease
- Activate and utilize innate inner resources
- Reconnect to the values that give your life and work meaning
Inner Resiliency Training (IRT) for Health Care Providers
with Robin Beardsley, MD
As Professionals and caregivers, we can all experience some degree of Caregiver Fatigue, which is characterized by profound emotional and physical exhaustion. This is a form of relational pain, one of connection, having emotional resonance with someone we care about who suffers and impacts our lives. Add onto this, the often, overwhelming tasks we have to complete each day in healthcare, and the limited resources; over time, there can be a gradual erosion of all things that keep us connected to ourselves and others.

Rapidly expanding research demonstrates that self-compassion is strongly associated with inner resiliency, emotional wellbeing, less anxiety, depression and stress, maintenance of healthy habits and satisfying personal relationships. This 6-week, empirically-supported Inner Resiliency Training, will focus on a way of coping with the stress of being a caregiver with more hope, strength and compassion. You will learn specific tools which will help you navigate the emotional ups and downs that caregiving brings with greater ease.
Learn more about Inner Resiliency Training (IRT) for Health Care Providers
- Practice self-compassion in daily life.
- Understand the empirically-supported benefits and myths of self-compassion.
- Motivate yourself with kindness rather than criticism.
- Connect with your Inner Resilience.
- Manage caregiver fatigue.
- Revisit the core values that bring you passion.
What to Expect:
Program activities include: short talks, experiential exercises, group discussion, and home practices. The intention over the 6-week course is for participants to directly experience their own inner resilience and learn practices that can be supportive in times of struggle. This IRT includes 6 weekly sessions of 1 hour each, with lunch provided.
Presenter: Robin Beardsley, MD
Robin Beardsley, MD is a Physician who practices psychotherapy and a Trained Teacher in Mindful Self-Compassion. She has always had a passion for care for the caregiver. MSC helps to meet this passion and fits with her positive psychology approach
I learned practical skills that I use every day at the bedside and I share with my residents. It gave me something to teach them and model for them besides simply telling them to ‘take a day off’ when they were overwhelmed.
Self Care Workshop
with Robin Beardsley MD.
Experiential Workshop:
- 90 minute
- Half Day
We are wired to connect with others. We are wired for survival. We are not, however, wired for happiness. This means we need to cultivate happiness and caring for one’s self, through connection within, while we are among others. We actually have to create new neural pathways!
In this experiential workshop, based on Dr’s Neff and Germer’s course on Mindful Self Compassion, we will be exploring the neuroscience and experience of self-care through the lens of mindful awareness and self-compassion.

Parenting from Within
with Robin Beardsley MD.
Experiential Workshops Available:
• Full Day Workshop
Every relationship has moments of struggle. Why does it feel so difficult to connect or be heard in moments of conflict? And how can we make the most of those moments when we repair the disconnections? This experiential, interactive workshop is for anyone who is in relationship with children. Those attending will explore these questions using the positive psychology of the” Columbus of Family Therapy,” Virginia Satir and Internal Family Systems developed by Richard Schwartz. Participants will learn more about the inner world and resources of children and caregivers in an unpredictable world. We will examine the process of a crisis for everyone involved and explore some tools that caregivers can use to prevent, de-escalate, and restore themselves and relationships when crises occur.